Being mindful with frugality

In my previous articles on frugality I took a look at how to stay frugal when shopping and how to stay frugal when it comes to entertainment. I thought it would be good to continue this theme a look at how to you can be mindful when it comes to your frugality.

In what way can you be mindful with frugality?

Being mindful can be defined as being conscious or aware of something. In this case I think about the people around me and how I can be frugal with the things I do.

  • A good example is when I cook. If I’m doing batch cooking then you can be mindful of others and thing of someone or a friend that might be in need or might need to feel like someone is special, I then try to deliver 2-4 portions of whatever I cook. This is such a frugal way to let someone know you care.
  • When someone has had a baby or is ill I will look at my menu plan for the week and look at what I can make that would help them out and look to give some of my cooking to them if I’m cooking alot. This is a really quick way of providing while still meeting my needs for a meal and living within my budget.
  • Invest in kitchen appliances that allow you to make a lot of food and recipes at home and make additional food for yourself and others. For example if you have a steam cooker you can make steam a lot of vegetables and give these to friends. If you have a breadmaker you can bake at least several types of breads which is great for breakfasts or lunch. I have a rice cooker and quite often I cook too much rice so you can often give the additional rice to others in need.
  • Offer your skill or talent to help others. If your friend or relative as a baby for example help them remain frugal by offering to help babysit or help around the home. This will be far more appreciated then a CD or book!

There are many other ways you can be mindful with frugality. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and if you have any tips or suggestions of your own. Feel free to comment.

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